Incident Investigation
Course Duration:
4 - 8 hours
Course Location:
All OH&S Consulting training is performed face to face at your premises or a Training Venue can be arranged (at an additional fee).
Course Intention:
This course is intended for personnel who may be required to investigate workplace
incidents or inquiries. This course will equip personnel with the necessary investigatory skills to prevent recurrence in the workplace.
All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course participants should be able to:
Understand what contributes to incidents in the work environment and systems failure.
Discuss the legal and ethical implications for incident/accident reporting and investigation.
Interpret accident/incident statistics.
Be familiar with the varying levels of incident investigation and the Organisation’s procedure for selection.
Plan and organise an incident/accident investigation (collection of evidence, interviewing witnesses).
Demonstrate and execute incident/accident investigation methodology (process).
Understand investigation tools.
Prepare an incident/investigation report to the required company standard including recommendations for corrective action.
Course Contents:
Why investigate incidents and accidents sustained at work.
Common system causes of why accidents/incidents occur.
Legal reporting requirements.
Incident Causation Model.
Unsafe Acts & Human Error.
Incident/Accident Reporting Procedure.
Selecting the Investigation Team.
Investigation Team Responsibilities.
Gathering Evidence/Facts (Interviewing techniques, sequence of events and supporting data).
Identifying appropriate corrective actions.
Preparing the Incident Investigation Report.
Executing the Action Plan.
Recording statistics.
Evaluation of the process conducted.
Review and follow up.