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OH&S Consulting Perth can assist you in developing Occupational Health and Safety documentation to ensure compliance with legislation, duty of care obligations and client needs.  his documentation includes Policies, Procedures, Forms, Safe Work Procedures

Development of Safety Policies, Procedures, Forms, Safe Work Procedures, Rules...


Safe working procedures, site rules, policies and procedures, are administrative controls that are needed to ensure that all employees and management are aware of their responsibilities and accountabilities for health, safety and environmental issues.


The site's safe work procedures, rules and policies ensure that correct work practices are agreed to, documented, used for reference purposes and accepted behaviour and performance of duties in the workplace are conducted in a safe and responsible manner.  It also ensures compliance with WorkSafe WA's "duty of care" for employers for providing a safe system of work.


After consultation with line management, site health and safety committee and relevant key personnel to ascertain workplace needs, a review of the workplace is performed to identify any further areas of risk.  Once risks are identified, then appropriate levels of control are documented to address these needs.  This would be produced as a controlled document allowing for continuous improvement via document control.



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